The head of music for said that he loved the new single ‘Life of a Hustler’ from ‘Trilltypefella’ with its epic cinematic strings, warm big distinctive vocals/rap and solid dope beats, that get you moving and entranced to its catchy nature, exquisite lyrical content and cool production, this is original and stands out from the crowd. This dope new banger is now on the daily playlist and will be played all day and night in general rotation + as a special powerplay at approx 3:30 PM Eastern USA time for a month or more.
‘Trilltypefella’ says “I am a unsigned artist from MS but reside in TN I been in the industry 10 years unnoticed I own my own indie label and publishing company TerrellBakerMuzik100 I write rap hip hop and rap music my name is Trilltypefella Google the name”.