We are very pleased to announce that the new single ‘Pray to the sacred bell (international version)’ from ‘Master of the Moon’ is now on our A-List Playlist. As well as hearing this beautiful, melodic and uplifting track every couple of hours on the playlist, global and local listeners can also hear it as a special daily FESTIVE POWERPLAY at 1 PM Eastern USA time for the next month.

A Christmas song by Master of the Moon, an artist from Kyoto. On a holy night that has lasted for 2,000 years, people’s feelings melt across borders across distant time, and this planet is enveloped in a miracle of love. The best Christmas number that will resonate the voice of hope throughout the world.

A message of love on a holy night, sent to all those who are hungry and thirsty for love, whether they are tired of a life full of ups and downs or those who are facing difficulties and trying to carve out a new path in life.

In the moments when we begin to lose the will to live, in the moments when we are lost in the meaning of life, we think of the pure prayer of a saint who lived 2,000 years ago, and learn the importance of loving others and the sanctity of life. A Christmas song with a wish for you to regain your heart and have the courage to take a new step in your life.


京都出身のアーティストMaster of the Moonの贈るクリスマスソングのinternational version。2,000年続く聖なる夜に、遥かな刻を、国境を越えて、人々の想いが溶け合い、この惑星が愛の奇跡で包まれる。希望の歌声を世界に響かせる、クリスマスのベストナンバー。波乱含みの人生に疲れた人も、困難に立ち向かい人生を切り拓こうとする人も、全ての愛に飢え心が渇いた人々に贈る、聖なる夜の愛のメッセージ。生きていく希望を喪いかけた刻、人生の意味に迷う刻、2,000年も過去に生きた聖者の命を懸けた清らかな祈りに想いを馳せて、人を愛することの大切さ、生命の尊さを感じる心を取り戻し、勇気を持って新たな人生の一歩を踏み出して欲しいとの願いが込められた 。